HOMESCHOOL BOOKCLUBS (2024-2025 schedule)

Our Homeschool Book Clubs meet on Wednesdays at 1:30 during the school year. There will be two groups–one for grades 3-5 and one for grades 6-8.  

We are trying something a little bit different this year. Most of the months will be Reader’s Choice, but with guidelines attached.  

September–Come prepared to talk about your favorite book you have read over the summer.

October–Read a book that takes place anywhere foreign. It cannot take place in the USA.

Upcoming themes will be announced in December in time to read them for the January Meeting. Keep your eye out on our website and FB page for more details.

If you are interested in participating, or would like to have more information, please contact the Library at 567-1308.

Grades 3-5:   Sept 11 

Grades 6-8:   Sept 25  

Grades 3-5   Oct 9  

Grades 6-8   Oct 23 

No meetings in November and December. We will resume in January.