Preschool Story Time Youth and Children's Department

Welcome to the Youth and Children’s Department. Our children’s librarian is Ms. Cathy. The Wetumpka Library offers preschool story time all year long, homeschool book clubs during the school year, as well as summer library programs for grades 1-12.

Join us for Preschool Story Time every Friday at 10a.m. Early introduction to reading and the library makes well rounded and eager readers.

Online Story Time:

Homeschool Book Clubs

Our Homeschool Book Clubs meet on Wednesdays at 1:30 during the school year. There will be two groups–one for grades 3-5 and one for grades 6-8.

Book titles will be announced a month in advance. If you are interested in participating, or would like to have more information, please contact the Library at 567-1308.

We will discuss the book and have an activity related to the story.

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